What's Happening?

Win On a $5.00 Ticket!
A famous Ruger 10-22 Rifle!
Other free prize drawings!
Make a donation and win lots of items!

Hi Friends!
We sincerely hope everything is well with you and yours.
Thank you for your support of IDRAHAJE Youth Camp in the past and into our future.
We are excited to inform you that we will be a part of Duncan’s Outdoor Shops Customer Appreciation Day on Saturday, August 8, 2015.
We will have free prize drawings, fund raising items to buy, all connected to God, Family, Guns and Courage that made America great. You may win some nice gifts!
Find out about our Camp Program.
Would you please come and support our Camp Program and take home some nice gifts and merchandise?
The fun starts on Saturday, August 8 at 10:00 a.m. until 3:00 p.m.
Don’t forget Duncan’s Outdoor Shop at 501 Salzburg Avenue, Bay City, MI 48706.
Please look over IDRAHAJE Youth Camp’s great new website at idhjcamp-mi.org and see great it looks now.
Please help us keep the camp program moving forward with your gifts.
See you on Saturday, August 8 at Duncan’s!
Al Stark